Dating English Women: Complete Guide for Foreign Men

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Many foreign men are fascinated by English women. These ladies possess natural beauty and many good qualities, indeed. It is enough to take a look at some English female celebrities to understand how charming they are.

In this guide, we want to tell you more about these ladies and their dating culture and give you some tips on dating them. So, keep reading to learn more!

English Women Profiles

Kaleena 25 y.o.
Brinn 26 y.o.
Bogna 25 y.o.
Ajla 22 y.o.
Yarmilla 26 y.o.
Donika 28 y.o.
Mila 25 y.o.
Alina 24 y.o.
Anna 26 y.o.
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Characteristics of Charming English Women

First, let’s talk more about the traits of English women. Of course, it is impossible to describe all of them as the same, as every English woman has a unique personality. But, there are several characteristics that are common for all of them. They all grew up in the same English society, after all. So, let’s find out more about these charming girls.

English Women

Elegance and Beauty

Wondering what an English girl looks like? It is hard to describe just one type of appearance, as the beauty of these women is extremely diverse. You can meet English women with fair skin and light hair, as well as dark-skinned ladies with beautiful brown eyes. The beauty of local girls is in their diversity, indeed.

But, no matter what an English bride looks like, she is always elegant. Local ladies don’t need to wear makeup or choose the most stylish clothes to look incredible. Their simplicity, graceful posture, and good manners make them attractive better than anything else.

Strong and Charming Personality

If you have never met English girls before, their personalities will surprise you. These girls are not the same as American or European girls. They are distinguished by their straightforwardness, self-sufficiency, and calmness. They are always polite, but won’t hide their feelings if they don’t like something. Also, they are ambitious, smart, and funny ladies.

If you’re not familiar with the English sense of humor, you may think their jokes are too harsh. Indeed, sarcasm and dark humor seem to be a part of English culture. But, if you’re tired of girls who pretend to be someone else to impress a man, dating English girls will be refreshing for you. They are simple, sincere, and interesting ladies.

dating english women

English Dating Culture: Top Facts to Know

If you’re an American man, you will be surprised by the courtship process in England. Local dating traditions are distinctly different from those you are used to. So, before meeting English women you need to learn more about English dating culture. Here are the key points to know:

  • Women prefer actions, not words. Compliments don’t work with English women. No matter how sincere your words would be, they will think it is just insincere flattery. The best way to win the heart of a girl from England is with actions, not words.
  • Gender equality play a big role in building relationships with English ladies. Although these girls are graceful and feminine, they are also strong and self-sufficient. They expect men to treat them as equals. No need to think about them as tender ladies who can do nothing without a man by their side.
  • Local people mostly flirt with jokes and sarcasm. Flirting in England may seem weird to foreigners. English men usually don’t flirt and don’t know how to start small talk. It will be fair to say that local women are also not into flirting. The best way for them to start communicating with someone is to joke.
english girl

Dating stories English couples

Success Story #1 Image
Kevin and Dasha AmourFactory logo
Kevin had always been intrigued by the idea of dating someone from a different culture. So when he saw Helga's profile on a Polish dating site, he was immediately interested. She was beautiful, and her profile said that she loved to travel and experience new things. Kevin liked Polish dating culture.
Success Story #2 Image
Tom and Ann TheLuckyDate CIS logo
Tom couldn't help but be fascinated by slavic girls. Their dark hair and piercing eyes were so captivating, and he had met his fair share of them on dating sites. One in particular, Sofia, had caught his eye. They exchanged messages for a while, and soon agreed to meet up.

Real Women From England: Interesting Statistics

If you’re interested in Engish women, you might already know that they’re strong, determined, and at the same time, graceful ladies. Their mindset and attitude to life make them even more attractive. To give you a better idea of who English girls are, we want to share a few facts about them.

  • English ladies are self-sufficient and independent. According to statistics, more than 72% of women participate in the workforce. They are talented and driven women with diverse interests and ambitions.
  • Women in England don’t hurry to get married. Women’s average age at first marriage is 36, which is higher than in most European countries.
  • Most English women have one or two children. The fertility rate in 2021 was 1.6 births per woman.
  • Most English beauties are well-educated. More than 76% of local girls have higher education.

What character traits do British girls want in their husbands?

We share with you the results of a survey of British girls that shows what characteristics and character traits they would like to see in their future husband.

Respect and equality

Like people of all cultures, British women may value respect and equality in a relationship. This means that they may look for a partner who treats them with kindness, consideration, and respect, and who is willing to work as an equal partner in the relationship.

Communication and emotional intelligence

Strong communication skills and emotional intelligence may be important to some British women when looking for a partner. This may include the ability to listen actively, express oneself openly and honestly, and navigate difficult emotions in a healthy way.

Supportive and dependable

British women may value a partner who is supportive and dependable, and who is willing to be there for them in good times and bad. This may include being a supportive partner in their career and personal goals, as well as being reliable and responsible in day-to-day life.

Physical attraction

Physical attraction is a natural and important part of any relationship, and British women may value a partner who they find physically attractive. However, it's important to note that attractiveness is subjective, and what one person finds attractive may be different from what another person finds attractive.

Bianca photo
Bianca photo
Location Rome
Age 27
Occupation Accountant
English level Upper Intermediate

Where to Date English Ladies: Top Places

Looking for the best place to meet English women? There are plenty of spots they love to spend time and where you can easily meet them. If you want to visit England, no matter what city you’re going to, consider visiting these places to find a potential girlfriend:

  • Pubs and bars. These are the perfect places to meet an English woman. Local girls don’t mind spending an evening in a pub in good company, drinking beer and watching football. In such places, they are usually in a good mood and don’t mind meeting new people.
  • Local parks. There are plenty of beautiful parks in any city in England. A lot of locals go there for a walk to relax and enjoy the view. Chances to meet English women who don’t mind mingling are high. For example, you can go to Hyde Park or Richmond park if you’re in London, to St, James Garden or Sefton Park if you’re in Liverpool, or to Queens Park, if you’re in Birmingham.
  • Nightclubs. If you like to hang out at night, there is no better place for you to meet English girls than in a local nightclub. A cheerful atmosphere and upbeat music always make people more friendly and talkative. Many English women love to spend time there, so you have all chances to meet beautiful and easy-going ladies.
Top cities to meet English womenLondon, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester
Top popular English womenRosie Huntington-Whiteley, Emilia Clarke, Emily Blunt, Keira Knightley
Perfect match for foreigners98%

How to Approach an English Girl: Complete Guide

So, you met an English girl and asked her for a date. But do you know how to impress her? If you try to approach English girls the way you date ladies in your country, it is likely not to work at all. But don’t worry, we are here to share with you some tips and provide a complete guide for a successful first date. So, keep reading.

  • Show the qualities of a true gentleman. Chivalry is the best way to make a girl fall in love with you. Basically, you need to be polite and respectful.
  • Forget about bragging. English mail order brides don’t care about how much money you make and what car you drive. Bragging about yourself is the worst thing you can do on a date. Be humble and show yourself with actions instead of many words.
  • Don’t choose a fancy place for the first date. Dating English women don’t try to impress them with a date in a luxury restaurant or expensive gifts. It won’t work. Most English ladies value little things more than something expensive. Meaningful conversation, an occasional bouquet of flowers, or an unusual date with you will mean much more to them.
  • Good sense of humor is important. Hot English girls have an exceptional sense of humor, and most of them love sarcasm and dark humor. So, to communicate with them, it is critical to have a good sense of humor as well.
  • Be honest. These ladies value honesty and never forget lies. So, if you want to start a relationship with an English bride, be sincere from the beginning.
beautiful english women

Are English Women Worth Choosing?

Are you not sure if an English woman is a perfect choice for you? Well, of course, it is not guaranteed that you will find your love among beautiful English women. But there is always a chance. If you have doubts, take a look at what experts in dating think of these ladies. It will help you to understand how good they are for you.

They are Interesting and Funny

Communication is key to successful relationships. If you don’t have any topics to talk about with your partner, you will get bored and eventually split up. But, when dating an English woman you won’t have this problem. These ladies are smart, quick-witted, and love interesting discussions. Perhaps, you will learn a lot about English politics, English history, and many other things, but it will never be boring.

english girls

They Are Independent and Self-Sufficient

Most English brides are driven, ambitious, and hard-working. They like to work and provide for themselves. And that’s why if they date someone, it is only because they’re truly in love, not because of wealth or any other reasons. English women expect nothing but mutual love and care from their partners. So, when dating an English bride, you can rest assured that she is not a gold digger.

They Make Caring and Loving Wives

Despite their calm temperament, English women are full of passion and love. When they meet a special someone, they surround him with love and support. Also, they don’t fall in love with the first man they met. They prefer to build meaningful relationships only with decent partners and don’t hurry to get married. So, marriage with them is usually strong and full of happiness.

meet english women

Why You Should Try Dating English Brides Online

Nowadays, online dating is extremely popular. It is possible to find a service for casual dating or even a platform with girls who are ready to become brides. If you want to date English women, such websites can be a great option for you as well. Just take a look at all benefits online dating has:

  • It is a convenient way to find a partner, even if you’re a busy man.
  • Many girls from England use dating sites and apps to meet new people and don’t mind communicating with foreigners.
  • Diverse functionality of dating platforms allows you to communicate via online chat, make a video call, send gifts (both virtual and real), and many more.
  • Dating services are much cheaper than a trip to England. Also, most services offer a monthly subscription that can be canceled any time you want.

English Ladies and Foreign Men: Marriage Statistics

English women attract men from all over the world. But guys from what countries date and marry ladies from England the most? It is hard to answer this question, as such information is not publicly available. But we still can share with you some facts:

  • In 2021, 542 English mail-order brides got married to American men.
  • Among all British women who live in Australia, around 40% of them are married to Australian men.

As you can see, there are plenty of beautiful English women married to foreign guys, and even more of them don’t mind dating foreigners. So, you have all chances to find your love in England!

english mail order brides

What Do Women From England Love About Foreign Men?

You might obviously want to know why some English women choose to date foreigners rather than meet local guys. Well, the most common reason is simple — some women think that foreigners are more attractive or make better husbands. If you ask different English brides, you will hear different opinions, as every girl has her own personal preferences for men and sometimes can’t find a perfect partner within her culture.

For example, many English women think that Southern Europeans are very attractive. Other girls tell that they are attracted to American guys because they are more easy-going and caring. So, every English woman looking for a foreign man has her own reasons to do so. And all you need to attract the perfect girl is to be yourself.

Final Thoughts

Dating English women can be an unforgettable experience in your life. These ladies are different from other European ladies, and it makes them special. If you’re dreaming about a funny girl who is strong and charming at the same time, we are sure an English lady will be perfect for you. Just remember her dating culture and follow our tips to succeed.


What is the best way to meet English women?

No matter if you live in England or somewhere else, online dating is the best way to find a date. Many English girls use dating sites, so it won’t be a problem to find a girl who matches your preferences. Dating services are easy to use and allow you to meet people without leaving your house.

Are English women loyal wives?

Yes, English women are loyal to their husbands. In fact, these girls don’t hurry to get married and usually live together with a partner for a few years before marrying him. It helps to build strong relationships and make sure that you are perfect for each other.

Why do English girls look for foreigners?

Every English girl can name her own reason to meet foreign men. But usually, they simply find foreigners more attractive or suitable for long-term relationships. Some women don’t mind dating local guys as well. They just don’t want to limit themselves and try different ways to meet a perfect partner.