Chinese Brides: Best Mail Order Brides For Western Men

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Chinese brides are some of the most attractive women you will see in your life. This forever young women will impress anyone with their unique beauty and charisma. If you are one of those men who has always wanted to marry an exotic girl, a Chinese woman is the right choice.

Chinese Girls Profiles

Adeline 24 y.o.
Social worker
Nguyen 26 y.o.
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Pak Kret
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Seema 26 y.o.
Ho Chi Minh City
Yachi 25 y.o.
Bhoomi 28 y.o.
Da Nang
Shyla 24 y.o.
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Shree 28 y.o.
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So, in this article, we will talk about Chinese mail order brides, why this modern women from East Asia become sought-after wives for foreign men, and where you can meet them. Also, we will share real stories of men who met Chinese brides online and built serious relationships. 

Facts About Chinese Mail Order Bride

Here are some interesting facts you should know about local females:

  • A Chinese mail order bride is trendy among foreigners. 
  • Good-looking girls with exotic appearances, fantastic bodies, cute faces, and positive characteristics draw the attention of guys who look for sweet and kind life partners.
  • Chinese wives are popular among men who look for devoted, traditional, and sincere women. 
  • Compared to western brides, they find that most Chinese women are faithful, caring, and loving. This type of life partner many American men wish to find. 
chinese brides

Through the article, you will find more helpful info on these women.

Chinese wife 8/10loyal
beauty9/10unique and exotic appearance
sexuality7/10they make hot lovers, but they can be shy and reserved
intelligence9/10local females study hard, they are independent, and speak at least a few foreign languages

Why Do They Become Mail Order Brides?

You may wonder why so many local females become Chinese mail order wives. The reason why so many Chinese girls join matrimonial service and hope to meet foreign men is the lack of respect. Many Chinese brides lack respect from their partners, so their serious relationships do not last a long time. Brides from China dream of meeting respectful and well-mannered guys who would treat them with respect. 

Another reason why so many Chinese women become Chinese mail order wives is the fact that they find foreign guys more attractive. Chinese guys are pretty short and not masculine. They would rather sit in front of their computers for the whole day than go for a run or visit a gym. Compared to Chinese guys, men from the US and UK look super hot. This is why so many Chinese wives dream of getting the attention of a western guy and going on a date with him. 

Another reason why so many single Chinese ladies sign up on dating websites and look for love among foreigners is that Asian men are pretty cold and strict. They want discipline in everything and rarely show affection and treat people with warmth. Charming Chinese girls for marriage want to be treated with love and feel a friendly attitude. After seeing how warm-hearted and caring western guys are, many Chinese women hope to meet sweet and caring guys from the US and feel loved. 

These reasons force beautiful Chinese mail order brides to join international dating websites and get acquainted with foreign men. As practice shows, many local girls find happiness with foreign men. Later in this article, we will provide success stories shared by foreigners who dated and married Chinese girls. 

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Chinese Wife Is Popular Among Foreigners 

Western guys do not only find Chinese brides sexually attractive but intelligent and pleasant to be around. Modern Chinese brides are open-minded, fun to be around, and treat guys with respect. There have been many stories of foreigners visiting Beijing and meeting single girls they instantly fell in love with. Every day, American and English men meet Chinese women online and build long-term relationships.

What is the Southeast Asia women’s roles in family building, who is the family head in traditional China family, what kind of mothers they are and how good they are at household? 

Marrying an Asian wife is a dream of many men. Having a submissive, traditional, and devoted wife is what a Western man wants, as it is so difficult to find a matching partner in the western world. Compared to Asian brides, American women lost interest in creating a family and having strong bonds with men. Unlike China brides, ladies in the west focus on their careers and become feminists, which leaves men no chance to conquer their hearts and have a traditional family where a man leads. 

The marriage rate amongst Chinese brides and overseas husbands has significantly increased, which proves that the connection between Western men and Eastern brides is real. About 45% of Eastern ladies marry westerners. This should make you feel confident that Asian females do want to marry foreigners. 

Why do you think Chinese women are so strongly attracted to foreign men?

There are a number of reasons why Chinese women are so attractive to American men and so popular among them. Here are the most common ones we would like to tell you about.

Their delicate features.

Chinese women have delicate features that are often seen as being extremely attractive to men.

Their slender figures.

Chinese women tend to have slender figures, which is another quality that is highly prized by American men.

Their flawless skin.

Chinese women have flawless skin, which is yet another reason why they are considered to be so beautiful.

Their exotic appeal.

Because Chinese women are relatively rare in the United States, they often have an exotic appeal that further adds to their allure.

How Much Does A Chinese Mail Order Bride Cost? 

Chinese mail order wife service is often used by foreigners. Every year, many men from the US buy wives from China. Thanks to contemporary technologies, finding a wife on the Internet is easy. You should register at a trustworthy dating website, tell about your preferences, and get acquainted with beautiful Chinese women for marriage. 

Many men wonder how much such a service costs. There is no exact answer, as every couple has unique circumstances. The price depends on the service you choose to join, how long it will take you to find the right woman, whether you need a translator or not, etc. However, we can tell you the average cost of getting a Chinese mail order bride.

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We decided to break down all the aspects of buying a Chinese bride online, so please take a look at what we have for you in the table:

Membership at a dating websiteFrom $30 to $100 a monthYou can register for free and have a basic account at a dating site, but this does not guarantee any luck. Most dating services offer a premium membership that gives access to advanced features such as making your profile stand out, sending messages, winks, and ordering gifts for Chinese women you fancy. 
Travel costFrom $1,000 to $2,500Traveling to China is quite a long trip, so the airfare is not cheap. You should take this cost into consideration as after meeting your future Chinese wife, you will have to visit China and meet her family.
Food, drinksFrom $300 to $500Taking your Chinese bride out for meals and drinks will also cost you. To impress your Chinese lady, you will probably want to take her to fancy places, so this is the estimated price for eating out for one week. 
HotelFrom $600 to $1,500One week of living in Beijing will cost you this high. 
EntertainmentFrom $200 to $300Everytime you want to take your Chinese bride to a cinema or bar, you will have to spend more of your money. 
GiftsFrom $200 to $400As a gentleman, you will want to treat your future Chinese bride to nice gifts. Do not forget that visiting your date’s family implies bringing presents too. 
Total:$2,300 to $5,300

Depending on your circumstances, the cost varies. You can book a cheap flight ticket and a simple hotel room with a limited budget, or you can have a great experience traveling to a new country and treating yourself and your Chinese bride to all the luxurious services. 

Meeting Chinese Brides Offline

Above, we have provided the cost of using a dating site plus visiting the country. If you want to skip the dating website and head to a new country hoping to meet Chinese brides for marriage in real life, then you are looking at a much higher price. It will take a long time to find a woman in real life; you do not meet tens of girls like on a dating platform. You will have to have a more extended trip, so you have more time to get acquainted with local females, go on a few dates, and hire a translator if necessary. 

Meeting Hot Chinese Brides Online

You can save a lot of money if you look for Chinese girls online. Being registered at a matrimonial service gives you an opportunity to meet Chinese brides from the comfort of your home. You can use your desktop or mobile device to meet Chinese brides with ease. The main advantage of online dating over offline dating is that you can meet 5, 10, or 15 sexy Chinese women for marriage every day. You can converse with as many ladies as you like. You will unlikely do it in a bar in Beijing, Shanghai, or Shenzhen.

Another great advantage is that you can easily enjoy conversations with Chinese wives even if they do not speak well. International dating websites hire professional translators who allow singles to meet and chat. Your messages will be instantly translated to the girl, so you will have a good understanding and will be able to build long-term relationships regardless of distance. 

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Dating stories Chinese couples

Success Story #1 Image
Nick and Ling AsianMelodies logo
Nick found love on a dating site and he couldn't be happier. His new wife is kind, caring, and beautiful. She makes him laugh and feel loved every day. Nick loves spending time with her, and they are always doing something fun together. He is grateful for his wonderful life.
Success Story #2 Image
Claus and Huang TheLuckyDate Asian logo
Nick found love on a dating site and he couldn't be happier. His new wife is kind, caring, and beautiful. She makes him laugh and feel loved every day. Nick loves spending time with her, and they are always doing something fun together. He is grateful for his wonderful life.

The Best Way To Meet Chinese Women For Marriage

If you want to meet Chinese ladies, you can choose to plan a trip to China or simply join a dating service and enjoy meeting Chinese wives online from the comfort of your home. Which way sounds better to you? 

Best Place To Meet Local Girls in Real Life

Well, if you do not like the idea of an international dating scene online, then you should visit one of the cities in China, like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, or Chongqing. China is a huge country, and these are the biggest cities with a population of over 20 million people. These cities do feel crowded, but they are certainly worth visiting. When you come to visit one of these cities, it seems like you can meet single girls anywhere. However, there are some places that will increase your chances of getting acquainted with a Chinese girl:

  • Coffee shops – young and beautiful Chinese women love to socialize, so one of the places where they usually head and meet their friends is a coffee shop. There are plenty of them in every city in China. Here you can have a chance to meet a significant number of good-looking girls who would not mind having a friendly chat while sipping a coffee. 
  • Shopping malls – Another good place to meet Chinese wives online is a shopping mall. Local females love fashion, so they spend hours looking for trendy shoes and dresses. Regardless of weekdays and times, local shopping malls are filled with Chinese brides. 
  • Tea ceremony – if you are a visitor, you should undoubtedly attend a tea ceremony. This is not just a nice event where you can taste delicious tea but find Chinese girls. Local females will be happy to tell you about different types of tea and accept your invitation for a date. 

So, these are where you can find Chinese women in real life. 

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Online Dating Sites

If you like the idea of online dating, then you can pick the best, safest, and most affordable platforms and create an attractive profile to get Asian beauty attention. Read independent reviews and success stories to find a trustworthy matrimonial service. Your chances of finding a traditional Chinese wife in a short time are much higher compared to looking for a wife in real life. This is why many bachelors turn to mail order bride sites to find a Chinese wife. 

Lian photo
Lian photo
Location Bangkok
Age 26
Occupation Manager
English level Upper Intermediate

Pretty Chinese Women And Their Inner World

Chinese brides do not only have a lovely appearance. They have a nice inner world that many men crave to discover. Local women remind of flowers: they need to be watered to blossom. Unfortunately, not all Chinese men understand this. Local females are shy and reserved, but they open and show their nice traits when treated right. Every Chinese lady is romantic, sincere, and sweet. She dreams of being treated like a true lady. However, many Chinese men are cold and require discipline, which makes local females close. 

Challenges Of Dating Chinese Mail Order Bride

Most Chinese girls you will meet online or offline will come across as shy and reserved. By understanding Chinese culture and how women are perceptive in Chinese society, you will understand why local females behave one way or another. Most women depend on their parents’ opinion, which prevents them from living life as western women do. Usually, girls in China have to ask for their parents’ permission to get married. So, you may face issues like your date being too dependent on what her parents say. To overcome it, you must introduce yourself to your date’s parents and impress them. Being a reliable and loving man, your date’s parents should accept you and allow their daughters to marry you. 

5 Steps to Win the Heart of a Chinese Woman


chinese wife

A Step-By-Step Guide To Conquering Mail Order Brides

So you have chosen one of the best online dating apps and are ready to meet a hot Chinese bride? Here are some tips that should help you succeed:

  • Be active

Local ladies are shy, and they rarely fire messages first. So, be active and start conversations first. Make them feel comfortable and show your interest. 

Chinese Women
  • Compliment on their look

Every Chinese bride spends a lot of time and money looking pretty, so she wants a man to admire it. By telling a girl how nice she looks, she will instantly soften and feel more confident.

  • Tell about your serious intentions

In Chinese dating culture, people do not date: they meet, introduce each other to their parents and get married. If you want to get an Eastern wife, you should tell her about your serious intentions and plan a meeting in real life. 

Why Are Chinese Brides Looking For Foreign Husbands?

As we are nearly the end of our article about Eastern females, so here is why they dream of meeting American husbands:

  • westerners look more handsome
  • they treat them with more respect
  • compared to Asian men, westerners are more romantic and passionate
  • foreigners are warm-hearted and are not as disciplined as Eastern men

Being like this will help you to get a Chinese girl attention quickly. 

What Kind Of Men Do They Like?

If you have these traits, then your chances of making a Chinese girl fall in love with you are high:

  • well-mannered
  • romantic and affectionate
  • family-oriented

These are three essential traits that every Chinese bride looks for in her future husband. 

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Facts Chinese Wedding Traditions

If you have never witnessed a proper Chinese wedding ceremony, you will be amazed to find unique facts about local weddings. Marrying a woman from another culture is an unforgettable experience. Let us tell you some interesting facts about a Chinese wedding:

  • The Betrothal, or Guo Da Li, is a unique Chinese wedding tradition that takes place before the event. Chinese people have been following the traditions for centuries. It implies a groom giving presents to his future bride’s parents. These are jewelry, dragon, or candles. In turn, the parents agree to give their gift – permission to marry their daughter. 
  • Preparing the Marriage Bed. For many westerners, this tradition sounds strange, but it is one of the essential things to do before the wedding ceremony. Newly married groom and bride should sleep on a special bed with red colored beddings and pillows with a mix of dried fruits and nuts. 
  • Lucky colors and symbols. Red color and gold are essential during weddings in China as they represent wealth and happiness. Preparing such symbols as dragons, phoenixes, and mandarin ducks is very important as they bring luck. 

These are just a few unique traditions that every Chinese wife cares about. Choosing a wedding date is also an essential thing as picking the wrong date brings problems in marriage. So you can expect your future Chinese bride to be quite superstitious.

Why Are Chinese Wives Perfect?

A Chinese mail order bride draws the attention of foreigners with her stunning beauty. However, this is not the only reason you should look for love on Asian reputable dating sites. Most Chinese brides are easy-going, fun, and sweet. They enjoy laughing, watching romantic comedies, and cooking delicious meals for their partners. For many westerners, they are the dream girlfriends. These women are independent and do not look for rich and old guys who would pay for jewelry and holidays in fancy hotels. These women look for true love, and they are incredibly generous. 

How Can We Help You Marry A ​​Chinese Women?

If you dream of meeting a charming Chinese mail order bride and marrying her, you may need some help. Chinese culture is quite different from western culture. Chinese people are raised differently, have different values, and even Eastern marriages differ from western ones. Approaching a Chinese mail order bride can be challenging; this is why you need expert help to give you tips and make you feel confident. 

We have extensive experience in connecting western men with Chinese wives. Every year, we assist many single men worldwide who want to connect their lives with gorgeous Asian women. We help single men to connect with like-minded ladies, have meaningful chats, do a translation if necessary and help them to meet. 

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Years of experience taught us what Chinese women look for in men and what brides from China expect from western bachelors. So, we know that foreigners want honest, caring, and family-oriented girls who look for marriage and not rich men to have a luxurious life. We found that Chinese girls for marriage want to meet tall, handsome, loyal, romantic, and reliable guys to create a family with. So we work hard to connect with like-minded people who match each other and have an excellent chance to develop meaningful relationships. 

Looking for a Chinese bride online will undoubtedly save you time. It is a much faster process as you just have to tell us what type of Chinese women you are attracted to and what personality traits your future date should have. We will do all the hard work finding you a compatible woman, so you just have to chat with her and see how much you like her. If she is the right match for you, then we will help you to arrange a date in real life. 

The matching success rate is above 70%, which tells you we know what singles are looking for. If you are ready to commit to long-term relationships and marry a Chinese mail order wife, we will do our best to find the best girls for you to choose from. 

How Can I Avoid Scams?

When looking for Chinese brides online, remember some essential rules to stay safe. Even though China mail order bride platforms apply all the possible security measures to protect their users and keep their sensitive data protected, you need to be responsible too. Please review the list of things to avoid at any cost when looking for marriage online:

  • Never share your contact information

Sharing your phone number or email may sound like a good idea, as you can switch from a dating site to chatting via your phone or email. Many men think it is an excellent way to stop paying for a membership. However, you should never do it. Even the best international dating sites have to deal with scammers. By providing your contact details, you may start receiving annoying calls and messages from people who do not seek love but need money. 

  • Do not upload your nude pictures/videos

When chatting with a hot Chinese woman online, you may want to spice up a conversation and send your nude photo. However, you should never do it. A girl you are chatting to may use your sensitive details to her advantage. If she is a scammer, she may threaten you to upload your nude photo on some service unless you send her the sum of money she requests. You do not want to find yourself paying crazy money to someone who abused your trust. 

  • Never send anyone money

When dating beautiful Chinese brides online, you may be asked for money; a woman you are chatting with may ask you for financial help telling you that her mother is in the hospital or she broke her phone and can not chat with you anymore. These are the typical stories of scammers. Unless you meet a woman in real life and trust her, never send her money. Popular online dating sites allow men to send flowers and gifts to women they like, which you can do to impress a woman and get her attention.

Knowing these tips will help you to protect yourself from a negative online dating experience and scammers. Chinese mail order brides who are honest and genuinely looking for love have no reason to lie and scam you. Being a victim of a scammer is not a common thing if you use famous and reliable dating sites. 


So you have read our comprehensive guide on meeting Chinese mail order brides and know that online dating is the safest, most affordable, and most effective way to meet Asian wives. The Chinese culture, the relationship between women and men, the family bonds, and the devotion that Asian ladies offer to men will undoubtedly make you want to marry a woman from this country. Now you also know how much it will cost you to get a Chinese woman online and how you can avoid a scam for a positive online dating experience. 


Where can I find a Chinese bride?

The best way to find Chinese brides for marriage is through an international dating service. Popular online dating services have a vast selection of Asian mail order brides with verified and detailed profiles. Why online dating? Online dating services will help you to find a perfect match. A Chinese woman lady who suits you by age, relationship type, and appearance.

Can I buy a mail order bride from Japan?

Yes. You will be able to get acquainted with Asian women from different parts of the continent. Chinese, Japanese and Korean girls are similar, yet have some differences. If you want to find a Chinese wife or a Japanese wife, a local dating platform is the best place.

Why are Chinese dating so popular?

Asian dating has always been popular. Eastern females are known as traditional, passionate, and devoted wives. If a man is looking for a Chinese mail order wife, he probably wants a sincere, warm-hearted, and caring woman who would support him and let him lead in a relationship. Meeting a Chinese girl can undoubtedly change a man’s life for the better and show him true love.

Why choose Chinese women for marriage?

There are many reasons why you should choose Chinese mail order brides. These women are naturally beautiful; they are well-mannered and dream of becoming good wives and mothers. Unlike western females, Eastern brides enjoy being submissive and letting their men make decisions and lead. There is no wonder why so many westerners find Chinese wives not only attractive physically but think of them as women with a rich inner world.

Why are Chinese women so beautiful?

Some of the features that are commonly considered beautiful in Chinese women include their almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones, and porcelain skin. Additionally, Chinese culture places a high value on aesthetics and tradition, which may account for the prevalence of beautiful women in China. Additionally, many Chinese women take care of their appearance by eating healthy foods and practicing regular skincare and beauty routines.

How do I attract Chinese women?

To attract Chinese women are essential to being polite, respectful, and humble; being well-educated and cultured; and knowing how to enjoy the finer things in life. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the cultural differences between China and your home country, as this will help you better understand and connect with your potential partner.